The President’s message

Dear Distinguished ELAPA Members, Board Members and Partners

First of all, I would like to take this opportunity to thank the General Assembly of the Ethiopian Land Administration Professionals Association (ELAPA) for allowing and believing in me to serve as President and Chairman of the Executive Committee. It is a real pleasure to serve this nationally recognized and growing professional association, which was established to serve both the government and the community professionally. ELAPA is a non-profit, non-political and non-religious national professional organization established by Ethiopian professionals who have studied land administration and related disciplines and those who have worked in the land sector and relevant academic institutions. ELAPA received its legal personality from the Federal Civil Society Organization’s Authority under registration No. 2061 on 3 March 2020 as a national professional association in accordance with the Civil Society Organization Proclamation No. 1113/2019 of the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia.  It was established primarily to participate in shaping land policy and governance directions in general and the land administration system in Ethiopia by providing professional/technical inputs and advice to the government, and to support its efforts to modernize the land administration system at the national level. It was also established to serve as a national platform for sharing knowledge and experiences in the field of land administration.

Dear Distinguished ELAPA Members, Board Members and Partners

Land is at the heart of our society and social life. It is also at the center of social and political conflicts. It is strongly argued that strong and workable policy frameworks and land administration systems are therefore crucial for the equitable, conflict-free and sustainable management of land.  Scholars in the field agree that sound land policies and good land administration systems in any country will not only address the governance issue, but also unlock the potential of land and increase investment in land, leading to economic development. Thus, Ethiopia, with its growing population and increasing international interest in land-based investments, needs to develop relevant and appropriate land policies and establish a strong land administration institution responsible for handling land issues at the national level. However, the issue of land administration/governance and policy in Ethiopia is still a work in progress with much to be done and achieved.  The land administration system is not where it should be. As a result, land has become one of the problem areas of governance. Therefore, as a major national concern, the issue requires continuous and direct discussion by all stakeholders with the intention of having a common vision for the country’s land administration system, putting all challenges on the table and seeking plausible remedies.

Given the longstanding land policy and management challenges in our country, there is a general need to strengthen the role of land professionals in the country’s land issues in a targeted and organized manner. There are multidimensional emerging needs and interests to link the skills of professionals and relevant academic institutions with the government, development partners and private sector institutions.  The creation of a broad-based professional association that cultivates skills to link the knowledge of land professionals and land business at the national level is very crucial for the overall national development. Therefore, it is important to bring the Ethiopian Land Administration Professionals Association on board. Within a few years of its establishment, the association has been able to bring together land administration professionals across the country. Currently, ELAPA has more than 300 members from almost all the regional states working as academics, researchers, practitioners, experts, private consultants, etc. The association has also established good working relationships with various development partners as well as government agencies dealing with land and land related issues at national and regional levels.

Dear Distinguished ELAPA Members, Board Members and Partners

It is well known that an efficient land administration system, supported by a land information system, is fundamental to achieving sustainable development in general and peace, stability, food security, environmental protection and poverty reduction in particular. Moreover, an effective and fit-for-purpose land administration system is essential for building inclusive societies and economies. More importantly, the well-functioning of the land administration sector depends largely on the capacity, experience and qualifications of land professionals. It is also important to note that the contribution of land administration to national development depends largely on our collective efforts. Therefore, it is my intention as President and that of the Executive Committee members to grow ELAPA and expand its activities to contribute more to our country.  To this end, I invite all current and prospective members of ELAPA to stay connected and participate in ELAPA’s activities to the fullest extent.

Thank you and wish you all the best!

Prof. Achamyeleh Gashu

President, Ethiopian Land Administration Professionals Association

Tel: +251918781471